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Showroom Revigrés presents new wing with environments

Showroom Revigrés presents new wing with environments
Revigrés presents a new wing of environments at the headquarters showroom, in Águeda.

On its 41st anniversary, Revigrés presents a new showroom wing of the commercial building in Águeda, an original project by Arch. Álvaro Siza Vieira - winner of the first Pritzker Prize in Portugal - that opened 21 years ago.

In 1997, Revigrés was the first company to challenge the Architect to develop a project in its facilities, Álvaro Siza Vieira having created a distinctive concept.

In the centre of the square-shaped building, partly built on pillars, a conic skylight, the buildings most interesting feature, sheds light into the showroom.In 2018, the renovation project of the interior of the showroom was designed by the architect Dino Gonçalves, respecting the strong personality and nature of the building designed by the architect Álvaro Siza Vieira. It unfolds from an axis created around the centre marked by the skylight, and incorporates a new space with a variety of environments, where Revigrés presents its latest collections.

“The spinning movement that is produced from the centre, through the layout of the exhibition components, lends new dynamics to space and takes us to the new area of environments, a game of levels, light and shadow, where Revigrés's different collections emerge”, says Dino Gonçalves.

The renovated showroom of Revigrés was presented at an event attended by more than one hundred customers and partners who visited the new space and celebrated the brand's anniversary.

On this special day, the new Afyon collection, of the REVIGRES Living segment, was presented.Afyon, featuring technical porcelain tiles, is inspired by a metaphoric stone of incomparable wealth, enabling unique spaces. Available in 4 colours and 3 formats - 30x60, 60x60 and 60x120cm - it combines beauty and strength, and is suitable for walls and floors, indoor and outdoor areas and residential or public spaces.

The event included a tour of the Bairrada Wine Museum in Anadia that is hosting the exhibition “A Experiência do Lugar” by painter Júlio Resende, with whom Revigrés had the honour of developing author's collections, with an exclusive design.

To mark the centenary of the painter and together with the Lugar do Desenho - Fundação Júlio Resende, Revigrés developed in 2018 tiles inspired by “Ribeira Negra”, a magnificent tile mural in Porto by this painter.

Publié par Revigrés

14 mai 2018


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