Terms and Conditions

Upon accessing Revigrés's website, users expressly accept the terms and conditions of use mentioned below.

The site with domain name www.revigres.pt, including all of its subpages, is owned by Revigrés, Indústria de Revestimentos de Grés, Lda, com sede em Vale do Grou 3750-351 Barrô - Águeda.

All of the information and contents available on the site, including images, videos, text and information, logos and graphic design, and all other documents present thereon, are the industrial and intellectual property of Revigrés or third parties, who have authorised its inclusion, and may not be used outside of the accepted conditions.

Unless any legal provision exists to the contrary, it is expressly prohibited to copy, store, reproduce, modify, transmit, circulate, market or, in any other way, make available to third parties information available on this site, except for personal and non-commercial use. Where permission is granted to use the above-mentioned information, its source should always be stated.

Any attempt to modify or load information, or any other action that may damage or endanger the system is strictly forbidden and may be punished in accordance with current legislation.

Revigrés has made information regarding the company available through the website and endeavours to ensure that it is exact, relevant, complete and up to date. Nevertheless, Revigrés cannot guarantee that no errors and/or omissions have been made and will correct any such errors or omissions signalled to the company or of which it is aware.

The information present on the website does not constitute an offer or recommendation by Revigrés. Therefore, any decision based on said information is the sole responsibility of the user.

Revigrés aims to minimize any inconvenience caused by technical errors. However, certain data or information present on the site may have been created or structured from files or formats that are not error-free. Consequently, the company cannot guarantee that the service will not be interrupted or disrupted by such problems. Revigrés cannot accept any responsibility for potential problems that arise when consulting this or any external sites linked to the Revigrés website.

This site is governed by Revigrés's internal and external regulations and by-laws as well as by the applicable Portuguese and Community Law.


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[1] PT National landline call costs

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