Portugal 2020 Projects
Involving an overall investment of € 416,541.86, the Isol Tile System project is aimed fundamentally at developing ceramic components bonded to outdoor thermal insulation. It has NSRF funding of € 244,445.25, under the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme, granted by the European Regional Development Fund.
The project has a duration of 22 months, starting in September 2013 and ending in June 2015, with the participation of the leading promoter Saint-Gobain Weber Portugal S.A. and co-promoters Revigrés – Indústria de Revestimentos de Grés, Lda., Amorim Isolamentos, S.A., Iberfibran-Poliestireno Extrudido, S.A. and the Institute for Technological Research and Development in Construction Sciences – IteCons.