
QREN Projects

The Revipol project will release new products, based on the development of large-size tiles with different finishes and designed for sophisticated customers.

This project's innovation will allow novelty items to be produced in Portugal. The vision will be projected nation-wide and is ultimately targeted at the international market. By investing in new production lines, based on a strategic orientation of sales growth in external markets, Revigrés strengthens its innovation, in line with the increase of international market demand for surface finished (polished, etc.) and rectified products.

While this project has a strong component of process innovation, sales will reflect product novelty. The strategy that Revigrés has been developing aimed at gaining visibility in the international markets has now allowed it to focus on more sophisticated global customers, by delivering large-size tiles in a whole variety of finishes. Regarding the production process, an important investment will be made towards energy efficiency, less machine set-up time, and better use of materials, which will also allow for higher flexibility when producing bigger tiles with differentiating finishes.

The Revipol project was funded by the ERDF under the Thematic Operational Programme Factors of Competitiveness of the QREN (National Strategic Reference Framework), in accordance with the call for proposals Notice no.12/SI/2012, under the Regulation of the System of Incentives for Innovation, attached to Decree no. 1464/2007, of November 15, as amended by Decrees 353-C/2009 of April 3, 1103/2010 of October 25 and 274/2012 of September 6.

The investment and grants allocated to the Revipol project amount to:

Total Investment: € 4,268,148.00;

Eligible Investment: € 3,878,198.00;

Refundable Incentive: € 1,745,189.10;

Prize: € 924,403.62.

Expected duration of the project:

Start date: 2013.08.08 - End date: 2015.06.30


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[1] PT National landline call costs

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