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Agenda ECP - Ecocerâmica e Cristalaria de Portugal

Agenda ECP - Ecocerâmica e Cristalaria de Portugal
Revigrés presents the latest developments of WP5: digital transition of the ceramics sector.


Revigrés is part of the consortium of companies that make up the Pact for Innovation ECP - Ecocerâmica e Cristalaria de Portugal, co-financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan. It consists of an integrative proposition for the Ceramics and Crystal works sectors across the board, which focuses on critical competitiveness success factors and aspires to improve their international positioning.

With a focus on 4 central thematic areas – energy sustainability, circular economy and industrial symbiosis, digital transition and capacity building – it is committed to the development of new products, processes and services with high added value, based on new models of cross-sectoral industrial organization, thus ensuring progress in the global value chain and investment in activities with greater added value.

One of the intended outputs laid down in the task of Workpackage WP5 – Digital transition of the ceramic sector, is the creation of a National BIM Content Platform for the Ceramic Industry: BIMCer. This platform will provide a public and national library of digital templates of ceramic products using standardized methodologies and BIM technology that incorporates different layers of information, namely on the carbon footprint of products.

In this phase of the WP5 project, with the collaboration of TecMinho - University-Business Association for Development, of the University of Minho, Product Data Templates (PDTs) have been created for Revigrés and Sanindusa products.

In line with the EN ISO standards for Product Data Templates (EN ISO 23386 and EN ISO 23387) and with the EN standards for each product, these PDTs will be the basis for the information consultation structure and search filters of the BIMCer Platform, and have already been uploaded to the platform, where the data is available for consultation by the industry and for future developments.

This data structure is also aligned with the needs of the single Digital Licensing Platform at national level, PEPU – Electronic Platform for Urban Procedures (where BIM will become mandatory from 2030 onwards), and also with the legislation that is being prepared for the Digital Construction Product Passport, which also provides information on the product's life cycle.

Published by Revigrés

November 11, 2024


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